Glossary | |
All Post Count | |
- | The total number of posts of a topic |
Benchmark | |
- | Evaluate or check brand by comparison among several market competitors with a standard or indicator |
Boards | |
- | The number of sections or sub-sections of a site or a blog that the posts distribute |
Consumer Generated Media (CGM) | |
- | Self-created audio, text, visual and video content by users on the digital community sites like blogs, forums, chat rooms and newsgroups, etc |
Contribution | |
- | Share of posts of an unique author or a topic among the total number of matched posts within the monitor period |
Correlation Index | |
- | Indication of the relevance of a topic toward the monitored keyword(s) |
Date Range | |
- | A specific period of time which scopes the search results |
Day Span | |
- | The number of days of a topic between start and end dates |
Day Span (Within the monitor period) | |
- | The number of days of a topic between start and end dates within the monitor period |
Distribution | |
- | The dispersion of a profile on CGM |
End Date | |
- | Last day of a matched post of a topic within the monitor period |
Exposure | |
- | The number of discussions of a brand, product or service within the monitor period |
Initial Date | |
- | The first day of a topic to be created |
Initial Author | |
- | The user who created a topic on CGM |
Keyword(s) Setting | |
- | A word, a phrase or a group of words for searching content with similar concept across CGM |
Matched Post Count | |
- | The total number of matched post(s) of a topic within the monitor period |
Matched View Count | |
- | Total views of the matched topic(s) within the monitor period Under the Summary tab, the weekly view numbers in the exposure & mentioning trend chart is based on matched view count |
Media Relevancy | |
- | To indicate how common a specific website is across all selected profiles based on ranking of Top Source. The higher the score is, the commoner the media is; vice-versa |
Monitor Period | |
- | A specific date range which scopes the search results |
Most Active Board | |
- | A board where an unique author is most active in discussion on CGM within the monitor period |
New Posts | |
- | The post(s) of the matched new topic(s) within the monitor period |
New Topics | |
- | The topics are created within the monitor period |
Period Post Count | |
- | The total number of posts of a topic within the monitor period |
Period View Count | |
- | Total views of the topic(s) within the monitor period |
Posts | |
- | The total number of posts of all topics |
Posts Spread | |
- | The penetration of the discussions among boards or sections The higher the spread, the more evenly-scattered the posts are |
Profile | |
- | A group of keyword(s) for searching content with similar concept across CGM within specific monitor period, region(s) and website(s) |
Sentiment Index | |
- | Indicating the positive or negative expressions of the posts, version number will change according to regular update of sentiment index Sentiment icons will change according to the sentiment index |
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Sentiment Score | |
- | The net expression count of the posts Sentiment Score = total number of positive posts - total number of negative posts |
Source | |
- | Original destination of content on CGM |
Source Type | |
- | Classification of content on CGM |
Start Date | |
- | The date of the earliest post that found in a specific topic within the monitor period |
Topics | |
- | The initial post that create a new thread |
Top 10/ 50/ 100 Board/ Site/ Topic/ Unique author | |
- | Ranking of exposure of board, site, topic or unique author within the monitor period |
Unique Author | |
- | The number of individual author(s) among the matched posts of a topic, a board or a CGM |
View Count | |
- | Total views of the topics. The data of view count including: Hong Kong: HK Discuss, Uwants, GoalGoalGoal, Baby Kingdom, DCHome, HKEPC, 3boys2girls,, HK-Pub, RingHK, MyBest Forum, my903, Fail Forum, Mihk, DCFever, HKSport, The China Photo, HD-DC, Asiaxpat, 2000FUN, PDA User Message Board, HKsites, Phpbb, Omuser, BeautyExchange, theZtyle Forum, eLadies, HK Reporter, Ming Pao Forum, Qooza Macau: Cyberctm, Qoos (Macau Internet Community), Macau Discuss, Macaubbs Mainland: qq, TianYa, Sohu, BBS163 Forum, Taobao Forum, Taobao BangPai,SZ Baby Kingdom, PCclub,, Xici, PaiPai Forum, Yoka Forum |
Websites (Summary) | |
- | The number of sites that the posts distribute |
Websites Coverage | |
- | Share of sites covered the related keywords The higher the coverage, the more of the websites involved |
Word of Mouth (WOM) | |
- | The act of consumers providing information to other consumers |
Word of Mouth Marketing | |
- | Giving people a reason to talk about brand products and services, and making it easier for that conversation to take place |
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